Moody's Camp

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Moody's (Photo: via Dennis McDowell)


Mr. Dennis McDowell, Middleton, Wisconsin, kindly sent some old and very nice pictures of Seabee NC6212K (s/n 415) and the fantastic photo above!  The pictures are part of an album from an old resort called Moody's Camp on Big Spider Lake in Northern Wisconsin.  It is a beautiful area and a crystal clear lake.  Dennis suspects that the Seabee was used to fly people to the resort from Chicago area.  If driving, it would have taken more than eight hours to get there.

Seabee NC6212K (s/n 415)
Landing at Moody's Camp on Big Spider Lake, Hayward, WI.
Photo: © courtesy Dennis McDowell

- The log cabins on that resort have since been sold and we bought one of them about 20 years ago.  My wife and I were trying to date the pictures and estimate them to be from the 1950s.  I am putting a family history album together of our little cabin in Northern Wisconsin and are including some old pictures from years past.  That is the only connection I have with the Seabee and aviation.  The plane looks very neat.  I can see how you would be fascinated by it!

Seabee NC6212K (s/n 415)
Docking at Moody's Camp on Big Spider Lake, Hayward, WI.
Photo: © courtesy Dennis McDowell

- After looking at these pictures, I drove down to our small local airport and asked the people there about this plane and showed them the pictures in an attempt to try to date them.  They looked up the registration number and told me a little bit about the Seabee and my curiosity took off from there!  That's when I found your web site.  I am very pleased to share them with you! Enjoy.

Dennis McDowell
e-mail: dmcdowell(at)
18 March 2005

Seabee NC6212K (s/n 415)
Moody's Camp on Big Spider Lake, Hayward, WI.
Photo: © courtesy Dennis McDowell

NC6212K (s/n 415) is still on the FAA Aircraft Registry.  Harms Flying Service, Auburn, Illinois, is listed as the owner since 13 July 1979.  However. it is believed that N6212K is no longer in service.  Thank you very much for the unique photos, Dennis!


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Updated: 2010-11-22

© 2005-2010 Steinar Saevdal