# 004

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Photo: Unknown (Please tell me!)


Manufacturer: SIAI Marchetti; Sesto Calende (Lago Maggiore), Italy.
Model: FN-333 Riviera
Type Certificate No: A-91 (RAI 1958-12-09)
7A5 (FAA 1958-12-15 )
Serial Number: 004
Manufacturing Date: 1962-??-??
Engine: Continental IO-470-P six-cylinder, 250 hp at 2600 RPM.
Reg. No. Date Remarks
1962-??-?? Manufacturing date.
1962-??-?? First flight.
1962-10-26 Bill of Sale Issued: SIAI Marchetti to Lane-Siai Company, gives reg. N628.
(1962-11-06) Bill of Sale issued: SIAI Marchetti to Lane-Siai Company, gives reg. N73902 (?).
1962-12-17 Registration Application by Lane-Siai Company; N73902 was changed for N628.
1962-12-19 Registration Application for s/n 004; falsely assigned to s/n 005.
Lane-Siai Company; 2616 West Mockingbird Lane, Dallas, Texas.
David T. Lane, President.
1962-12-27 CdN/E # 6579/E (Export C of A) issued with registration N8294E for export to USA.
1962-??-?? Cancelled from RAI.
1963-01-26 Declaration issued that FN-333 s/n 004 never was on Italian Register.
1963-03-02 Arrived in USA from Italy.
1963-03-05 Request fro Lane-Siai Company for cancelling N8294E for N628.
1963-04-19 Application for C of A. 
1963-04-19 Airworthiness Date. TTSN: 12:35 hrs.
1963-06-24 Repairs finished due to aircraft hull damage.
N628 1964-01-30 C of R issued to:
Lane-Siai Company; 2616 West Mockingbird Lane, Dallas, Texas.
David T. Lane, President.
1964-07-30 Bill of Sale issued: L & R Sales to Walter G. Robinson.
1964-09-19 Registration Application by Walter G. Robinson.
1964-10-14 Bill of Sale issued: Lane-Siai Company to L & R Sales.
1964-11-16 C of R issued to:
L & R Sales; 10110 Monroe Street, Dallas, Texas.
David T. Lane, President.
1964-11-16 C of R issued to:
Dr. Walter G. Robinson; 1428 Frankfort, New Orleans, Louisiana.
1967-02-20 Bill of Sale issued: Walter G. Robinson to Donald E. Lonhart.
1967-04-04 C of R issued to:
Donald E. Lonhart; 9046 W 31st Street, Brookfield, Illinois.
(1973-09-05) Address change:
Donald E. Lonhart; 2923 SO Riverside Drive, Fort Worth, Texas.
(1974-05-06) Address change:
Donald E. Lonhart; c/o Capt'n Orange, 250 Tallahassee Mall, Tallahassee, Florida.
1974-05-24 The pilot landed hard at Tallahassee, Florida, at 13:55 hrs, and made an improper recovery from the bounced landing. The aircraft nosed into lake after porpoising on landing and came to rest in the water. The pilot received serious injuries, one passenger killed. Aircraft substantially damaged. The aircraft had taken off from Marianna, Florida, with destination Tallahassee. Pilot, private, age 40, 686 total hours, 3 in type. [NTSB # MIA74AM098, File No: 3-1411].
(1977-06-14) Address change:
Donald E. Lonhart; c/o Captain Orange, 3112 Fieldstone Lane, Tallahassee, Florida.
1981-04-01 Reported by owner in Triennial Aircraft Registration Report, dated 1981-03-21, as "DESTROYED".
1981-05-07 Cancelled from FAA Registry as "DESTROYED".
  Sources: FAA Aircraft Registry
Hendrik van der Veen

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Updated 2019-12-24

© 2019 Steinar Saevdal