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CF-FOY (Photo: Mike R. Henniger)

CF-FOY (s/n 747)
The Memorial Military Museum
Campbellford, Ontario, Canada
Photo: ©courtesy  Mike R. Henniger 2006-06-08

The Beeology section is dedicated to the research of the Seabee history.  It is also a guide to collecting Seabee memorabilia, literature and models.

When the Seabee was introduced in 1945, Republic Aviation Corporation also introduced marketing strategies never seen before on the private airplane market.  Marketing strategies and advertising styles from the automobile industry were used, and you could see Seabee adverts in many different types of magazines - from Fortune Magazine for businessmen to Skyways Magazine for aviation enthusiasts.  Marketing was aimed at the 'sportsman', the business man and the commercial operator.

At the same time you could read articles on the Seabee in almost every aviation magazine published 1945 - 1947.  Scale model 'pilots' would build Seabee models from plans that were published in aviation magazines.  Seabee model kits were offered by Cleveland, Minicrafters and others.  


Seabees on Display

Seabees in Museums

The Seabee is an important airplane in the aviation history of a number of countries around the World.  Fortunately several Seabees have been preserved, restored and displayed in Museums, parks, malls and other places where the public can see them.  This section lists all known Seabees on display.

Seabee Literature

Seabee Literature

You could read about the Seabee in almost every aviation magazine published in 1945/1947.  In the Literature section all known Seabee articles and books are listed.  If you know about any Seabee article not listed in the Seabee Literature List, please send an e-mail!

Republic Seabee Memorabilia

Seabee Memorabilia

The "Seabee Memorabilia" section is a guide to Republic Aviation Corporation (RAC) and Republic Seabee memorabila.

Seabee Models

Seabee Models

Most aviation enthusiasts have built scale models or R/C models as kids or teenagers.  The most eager also continue their hobby as adults...  The Seabee Models section lists and describe all known Seabee scale models and plans.  If you know about Seabee scale models and model plans not listed, kindly please send an e-mail with your information!

Seabees in the Movies

Seabees in Movies

Many people have seen a Seabee for the first time in movies on TV and at the Cinema.  Everyone who have seen the James Bond movie "The Man With The Golden Gun" (1974), will remeber the Seabee flying scenes...  This section will try to list all known movies where Republic Seabee amphibian have appeared.

Seabee Adverts

Seabee Promotion

More than 50 years later it is amazing to see the high quality of the promotional literature that was produced for the Seabee.  Here you will find examples of Seabee adverts and Seabee promotional literature.


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Updated 2013-10-05

© 2004-2013 Steinar Saevdal